Wasp Pest Control Service

Wasps are similar to bees in appearance, but there are some key differences that make them more formidable. Unlike bees, which can only sting once before losing their stinger and ultimately dying, wasps have the ability to sting multiple times. This is because their stingers are smooth and do not get lodged in the skin. Additionally, wasp stings tend to be more painful due to the venom they inject, which contains a higher concentration of toxins.

Wasps are opportunistic and tend to set up nests in areas where there is a steady source of food and water. They are often attracted to gardens, outdoor eating areas, and places where food scraps are readily available. Common nesting sites include eaves, attics, wall cavities, trees, shrubs, and even underground. Wasps are not only a nuisance but can also pose a significant threat to those who are allergic to their stings, potentially causing severe reactions.

There are several different types of wasps commonly found in the Los Angeles and Riverside County areas. Among the most prevalent are paper wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets. Paper wasps build open, umbrella-shaped nests that are often found hanging from eaves or branches. Yellow jackets, which are more aggressive, construct their nests in enclosed spaces such as wall voids or underground burrows. Hornets, the largest of the common wasp types, create large, football-shaped nests typically high up in trees or on structures. Each type of wasp has its own nesting habits and behavior patterns, but all can be a cause for concern when they establish a presence near homes or areas where people frequently gather.

yellow jacket control riverside

Licensed Technicians

Technicians at Southland Pest Control are highly trained and state-licensed, ensuring they have the expertise to handle any wasp infestation effectively. Continuous education and training keep them updated on the latest pest control methods.

Follow-Up Treatment

After the initial wasp treatment, we offer follow-up services to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment and address any recurring issues. Regular check-ups ensure a long-term solution to pest problems.

Emergency Service

For severe infestations requiring immediate attention, we provide emergency services. Quick intervention can prevent the infestation from spreading and causing more significant issues.

Wasps Found in Riverside

mud dauber control riverside

Mud Daubers

Mud daubers, named for their distinctive nest-building behavior, create their unique nests from mud. These nests, often unsightly, are commonly found attached to ceilings, eaves, and overhangs around homes and other structures. The nests are usually small, tubular structures or clumps of mud that can be quite noticeable and may detract from the appearance of buildings. Each nest is typically constructed by a single female mud dauber, who painstakingly gathers mud and shapes it into a series of cylindrical cells. These cells are often stacked together in rows, creating a somewhat haphazard but functional structure.

Mud daubers are solitary wasps and do not form large colonies like other wasp species, which contributes to their less aggressive nature. Typically non-aggressive, mud daubers rarely sting people, making them less of a threat compared to other stinging insects like yellow jackets or hornets. They are more focused on building their nests and hunting for spiders, which they paralyze and place inside the mud chambers as food for their larvae. Each mud cell usually contains a single spider and an egg; once the egg hatches, the larva feeds on the paralyzed spider until it is ready to emerge as an adult wasp.

Despite their intimidating appearance and the potential for their nests to be a nuisance, mud daubers play a beneficial role in controlling spider populations. Their hunting habits help keep spider numbers in check, which can be particularly advantageous in areas where spider infestations are a concern. However, their nests can still be unwelcome and may require removal, especially if they are built in high-traffic areas or locations where people frequently pass by. Nest removal is often necessary to maintain the aesthetic appeal of a property and to prevent any potential damage to surfaces where the nests are attached. While mud daubers themselves are not particularly dangerous, their presence can be unsettling, and professional pest control services can ensure that nests are quickly and effectively removed.

paper wasp control riverside

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are easily identifiable by their distinctive coloring, which is predominantly black with yellow markings. These markings make them visually similar to yellow jackets, but paper wasps have a more slender waist and longer legs that dangle as they fly. Their nests are another distinguishing feature; these honeycomb-shaped structures are often found under eaves, in attics, and within overgrown bushes. Constructed from a papery material created by chewing wood fibers mixed with their saliva, these nests are open and expose the hexagonal cells where their larvae develop.

Paper wasps are commonly seen drinking from pools, fountains, and other sources of water, especially during hot weather when they need to stay hydrated. While these wasps are not typically aggressive and usually go about their business without bothering humans, they can become defensive if their nest is disturbed. One unique and important behavior to note is that when a paper wasp is killed, it releases a pheromone that attracts other paper wasps to the area. This chemical signal can incite a defensive response from nearby wasps, making it crucial to exercise caution when dealing with them or their nests.

Although generally not as aggressive as some other wasp species, paper wasps can still deliver painful stings if provoked. Their stings can cause significant pain and swelling, and in some cases, severe allergic reactions. For this reason, and because their nests can be located in inconvenient or potentially hazardous places, it is often advisable to seek professional pest control services to manage and remove paper wasp nests effectively.

yellow jacket control riverside

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are easily identifiable by their striking coloring, which is primarily yellow with distinctive black markings, making them visually similar to paper wasps. However, yellow jackets are generally more robust and have a more compact body compared to the slender build of paper wasps. These wasps are known for their aggressive behavior, especially when their nests are threatened.

Yellow jackets build their nests in a variety of locations, including eaves, attics, ceilings, and overhangs. Unlike paper wasps, yellow jackets often build their nests in hidden or enclosed spaces, which can make them difficult to detect until the colony is well established. These nests are constructed from a papery material, created by chewing wood fibers mixed with their saliva, and can house thousands of yellow jackets, making them quite formidable.

Yellow jackets primarily feed on small insects, which they hunt to feed their larvae. However, they are also attracted to human food, particularly meat and sugary substances. This attraction explains why yellow jackets are commonly seen around barbeques, trash cans, and picnics, where food waste is abundant. Their presence can be particularly problematic during outdoor activities, as they can become aggressive when foraging for food or if they feel threatened.

The aggressive nature of yellow jackets, combined with their tendency to defend their nests vigorously, poses a significant risk to humans. Their stings are painful and can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals. Due to these risks, it is advisable to seek professional pest control services when dealing with yellow jacket infestations. Professionals can quickly locate and remove nests, reducing the danger to you and your family while ensuring that the infestation is thoroughly addressed.


mud dauber control riverside

Wasp Treatment

When treating wasp infestations, we start by sending a professional, state-licensed, and certified technician to inspect your property thoroughly. Our technicians are trained to identify the specific type of wasp infestation you are experiencing, which is crucial for selecting the most effective treatment method. They will locate the source of the infestation, including identifying nest locations and the wasps' entry points. Once the source of the infestation is identified, we will customize a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and budget. This plan will address the immediate issue and include strategies to prevent future infestations.

After the initial treatment, we recommend starting a regular treatment plan to keep wasps out all year long. Depending on your property, the severity of the infestation, and your budget, we offer ongoing wasp control services on a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly basis. Regular treatments ensure that your property remains protected and that any new nests are dealt with promptly before they can become a significant problem.

For those concerned about the use of traditional pesticides, we also offer organic wasp pest control services on a monthly basis. These services are ideal for the chemically sensitive and those who prefer environmentally friendly options.

If you see any wasps between your regularly scheduled treatments, we will come back at no extra charge to re-treat the area. This guarantee ensures that your property remains wasp-free and that any unexpected issues are promptly addressed. Our commitment to ongoing support and customer satisfaction makes our wasp control services a reliable choice for keeping your home or business free from these pests.


To ensure thorough pest control, we treat all baseboards, cracks, and crevices with odorless, non-staining products. This meticulous approach targets the hidden areas where pests often reside, ensuring a comprehensive eradication. Interior services are typically only required during the initial treatment to establish a strong defense against pests. Occasionally, additional interior treatments may be requested to address any specific concerns or to provide extra protection. This strategy minimizes the need for frequent indoor treatments while maintaining a pest-free environment.


A non-repellent pesticide will be applied around the perimeter of the home to create an effective barrier against pests. Additionally, we will perform de-webbing of all windows, eaves, structural edges, and other pest harborages to remove existing spider webs and prevent future infestations. Pesticide granules will also be applied around all drip systems, plants, flowers, shrubs, grass areas, pools, and fence lines to ensure comprehensive protection for your property. This thorough approach targets both the exterior and potential entry points, providing a robust defense against a wide range of pests.

Things You Can Do To Prevent Wasps

Preventing wasps from invading your home and property starts with some practical steps to make your environment less attractive to them. Regularly inspect and seal any cracks or crevices in your home's exterior to prevent wasps from entering and building nests. Keep outdoor garbage cans tightly sealed and clean up any food spills promptly, as wasps are attracted to food waste. Maintain your garden by trimming bushes and trees and removing any debris or fallen fruit that could serve as a food source. Consider using wasp deterrents, such as fake wasp nests or certain plants like mint, which can help keep wasps at bay. By taking these proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of wasps establishing nests around your home.

DIY vs. Professional Wasp Control

While DIY methods for controlling wasps can provide some immediate relief, they often lack the effectiveness of professional pest control services. DIY treatments typically involve using over-the-counter sprays and traps, which may not reach the root of the infestation and can be hazardous if not used correctly. Additionally, attempting to remove a wasp nest on your own can be dangerous, as it can provoke the wasps and lead to multiple stings. Hiring Southland Pest Control ensures a comprehensive and lasting approach to wasp management. Our experienced technicians are equipped with the knowledge and tools to identify the type of wasps, locate all nests, and apply effective treatments. We also provide ongoing maintenance to prevent future infestations. Choosing Southland Pest Control not only guarantees a thorough and lasting solution but also provides peace of mind, knowing that the job is done right.