Orange Oil Treatment Riverside

Orange oil is an innovative, non-traditional treatment option that effectively eliminates termites from exposed wood structures. This eco-friendly method leverages the natural properties of orange oil to target and eradicate termite infestations without resorting to traditional pesticide methods like fumigation. The process begins with our skilled technicians conducting a thorough inspection of your property to identify areas with termite activity. Once evidence of a termite infestation is found, the orange oil is carefully injected directly into the infested wood. This targeted application ensures that the orange oil penetrates deeply into the wood, reaching the termites and their eggs.

orange oil termite control riverside

Orange Oil Treatment Process

Our technicians will thoroughly inspect your property to locate termite activity and assess the extent of the infestation. Once termite activity is identified, orange oil is injected into the exposed wood where termites are present. The oil spreads through the wood, reaching termites and their eggs. The d-limonene in orange oil destroys the termites by breaking down their cell membranes, effectively eliminating them and preventing further damage. After the treatment, our technicians will re-inspect the treated areas to ensure the infestation has been eradicated and provide recommendations for any necessary follow-up actions.

Why Choose Orange Oil

Orange oil is derived from the rind of oranges, making it a natural and environmentally friendly solution. There is no risk of exposure to harmful chemicals or pesticides as there are with traditional spot treatments. The active compound in orange oil, d-limonene, is highly effective at killing termites and their eggs. When termites come into contact with the orange oil, it disrupts their cell membranes, leading to rapid extermination. Unlike fumigation, orange oil treatment does not require you to leave your home. The service time is quick and easy, allowing you to stay in your home during the treatment process. This convenience is especially beneficial for families with children or pets, as well as for businesses that cannot afford to close for extended periods. Orange oil is injected only into the areas where termite activity has been detected, minimizing the amount of treatment needed and focusing efforts where they are most effective. This precision reduces waste and enhances the overall efficiency of the treatment. The injection process is straightforward and minimally invasive. There is no need for extensive preparations or the use of tarps and sealing, as is required with fumigation. This means less disruption to your daily routine and a faster return to normalcy.

Orange oil treatment is an ideal choice for homeowners and businesses seeking an effective, and organic method for termite control. Its low-toxicity, combined with its ability to quickly eliminate termites without the need for evacuation, makes it a highly attractive alternative to traditional treatments. Additionally, the targeted application ensures that termites are dealt with efficiently, minimizing the impact on your property and daily life.

If you suspect termite activity in your home or business, contact us today to schedule an inspection. Our expert technicians will evaluate your situation and determine if orange oil treatment is the best solution for you. We are committed to providing effective, organic termite control options to protect your property and give you peace of mind.

orange oil termite pest control riverside

Residential & Commercial Termite Inspections

If you're preparing to buy or sell a property in LA & Riverside County, obtaining a full termite inspection report is a crucial step in the process. This report is not only a standard requirement for most real estate transactions but also provides peace of mind by ensuring the property is free from termite damage or infestations. Our licensed termite inspectors are highly trained and experienced in conducting thorough inspections. They will come to your property and meticulously examine every aspect of the structure. This includes both the interior and exterior, with special attention to areas that are prone to termite activity, such as basements, crawl spaces, attics, and the foundation.

Our goal is to provide you with a clear and accurate understanding of the termite status of the property, ensuring you can make informed decisions. Whether you are a buyer looking to safeguard your investment or a seller aiming to provide transparency to potential buyers, our termite inspection report is an invaluable tool. We understand the time-sensitive nature of real estate transactions, so we strive to deliver the inspection report promptly, typically within 24-48 hours of the inspection. By choosing our licensed termite inspectors, you are opting for professionalism, accuracy, and reliability. We are committed to helping you navigate the property transaction process with confidence, armed with the knowledge you need to protect your investment and ensure a smooth transaction. Contact us today to schedule your termite inspection and ensure your property is thoroughly evaluated by experts. Our team is ready to assist you in meeting all the termite inspection requirements for buying or selling property in LA & Riverside County.

Other Termite Treatment Options

There are a few treatment options available for termite control. Based on your needs and budget, our termite inspectors will make their recommendations after a thorough inspection of your structure.

termite fumigation riverside


During fumigation, the building is tented for 24-48 hours. Vikane gas is then pumped into the sealed structure, replacing the oxygen. Vikane penetrates hard to reach areas like walls voids, attic spaces, eaves and door frames. After treatment, our technicians will remove the tent and air out the structure. We will thoroughly inspect the structure before we allow occupants to return. Fumigation service is warrantied for 3 years after service.

termite heat treatment riverside

Heat Treatment

Heat is a relatively new treatment option for termites. Much like fumigation, heat will penetrate areas of the structure that cannot be reached by traditional pesticide applications. Heat treatments can be completed in a matter of hours and do not require occupants to be out of the house for more than an afternoon.

termite spot treatment riverside

Local Treatment

Local treatment is a great option for small scale infestations or smaller budgets. After a thorough inspection is completed, our technicians may recommend localized spot treatment based on their findings. You will not need to leave the house for this treatment and prep, if any, will be minimal.


Termite Wood Damage & Structural Defects

Natural forces like earthquakes and tornadoes can cause a wake of destruction. Fortunately, they have taught us something about the kind of home they are most likely to damage. It turns out that strong forces “pick on” homes and buildings that have structural defects. Homes that are well built and maintained are more likely to come through a major calamity in much better shape.

A structural defect can be the result of a design or construction flaw and makes your home weaker. Weakening can also be caused by anything that attacks the structural wood. This includes beetles, fungi, termites and carpenter ants. Unchecked, these pests can reduce the strength of wood by as much as 80%, leaving your home susceptible to widespread damage. The stronger the force, the more likely that force will cause severe, and perhaps irreparable, damage to the home.

The porch column that has a masonry exterior can conceal termite- damaged wood inside. The column could break during an earthquake. Had the wood been intact, the column may very well have come through unharmed. Be vigilant in keeping your home in good repair and free of wood-destroying pests. Don’t hesitate to have inaccessible areas opened so they can be inspected for hidden damage.

Termite Trouble Spots

Any structure with wood looks and smells like a big juicy steak to termites. These pests have an uncanny ability to locate wood both by smell and by random searching, even when dirt, cement, or stucco hides the wood. There are certain situations that encourage problems with termites. Here are some common termite trouble spots.

  • Cracks in concrete foundations and foundation walls allow termites hidden access to wood.
  • Soil in contact with wood allows termites easy access. This includes posts set in the ground, soil pushed up against the wood in a structure, concrete porches filled with soil that rests against wood structural members, wooden porch steps that rest on soil, etc. Do-it-yourselfers often erect wooden trellises or fences with posts directly in the ground, and then connect these to the house.
  • Unsolved moisture problems like poor grading that directs water toward a structure, dripping faucets, and leaking pipes all attract termites, which need moisture to survive. Shrubbery or vines that block the airflow through ventilation openings also cause problems.
  • Extra wood like tree stumps and large dead roots, buried form boards, wood chip mulching, and firewood stacked on the ground attracts termites. The pests get started in these, then find their way into a structure.

These are just some of the many, many situations that can lead to trouble with termites. A professional Southland Pest Control’s inspection can spot these and other, less obvious conditions that can lead to problems with various wood-damaging pests.