Termite Inspection

Each year in the United States, termites cause millions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses. Ignoring their presence can lead to thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs. If left untreated for an extended period, your home or structure may require serious reconstruction, significantly impacting your financial and emotional well-being.

Our inspections are specifically designed to meet the needs of the real estate industry. We understand the urgency and importance of timely, accurate termite inspections, especially when buying or selling property. Our dedicated office staff is here to streamline the process, making ordering a termite report easier than ever before. If you’re preparing to buy or sell a property in Los Angeles and Riverside counties, a comprehensive termite inspection report is essential.

We have assembled a team of termite inspection specialists with over 100 years of combined experience. Our licensed termite inspectors will visit the property and thoroughly investigate the structure for any signs of termite damage and infestation. Using advanced detection methods and state-of-the-art equipment, they ensure no detail is overlooked. Once the inspection is complete, our technicians will provide a detailed report to the buyer and/or seller, outlining the findings and any recommended actions.

We offer both residential and commercial property inspections, tailored to meet the unique requirements of each type of property. Our goal is to not only meet your needs but exceed your expectations, providing you with the confidence and peace of mind that come from knowing your property is thoroughly inspected and protected.

Los Angeles and Riverside counties are home to two primary types of termites: subterranean termites and drywood termites. Both types are active year-round and can cause significant damage if not addressed promptly. Subterranean termites, which live underground and build mud tubes to access structures, are particularly destructive to foundations and other structural supports. Drywood termites, on the other hand, infest dry, exposed wood and can silently destroy wooden elements within your home.

Immediate intervention is crucial to prevent substantial damage from either type of termite. Fortunately, each type of termite requires a different approach to treatment. At Southland Pest Control, we offer a variety of effective termite treatments tailored to the specific needs of your infestation. Our treatment options include fumigation, heat treatment, orange oil, and local spot treatment. By choosing Southland Pest Control, you are opting for a comprehensive, professional approach to termite eradication. Our experienced technicians are dedicated to providing the highest level of service, ensuring that your home or business is free from termites and protected for the long term. With our expert inspections, detailed reports, and effective treatments, you can rest easy knowing that your property is in good hands.

termite control riverside

How To Detect Termite Activity

Termites are difficult to detect as they live in the wood in your home or in large colonies under ground where they can't be seen. Here are a few signs that can help determine if you have a termite infestation issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Blistered Boards

If your wooden surfaces have cracks and blisters, but there has been no damage caused by water recently, there’s a high possibility you’re dealing with termites. Subterranean Termites are a specie that feeds on subfloors, leaving it to appear water damaged and blistered.

Hollow Wood

Wood damage may be detected beneath and behind walls, floorboards, and other wooden surfaces. Termites eating into the wood in pursuit of cellulose causes this, leaving long and deep grooves behind. These gaps weaken the timber and cause structural problems over time. Hollowed wood looks more like a honeycomb from the inside and makes a hollow sound.

Mud Tubes

Mud tubes the size of pencils can be discovered anywhere the earth meets your house. This is because subterranean termites build their nests underneath and travel up to their food supply, which is typically a building framework. To live, these termites require specific temperatures and humidity conditions. Their tunnels assist to block off chilly, dry air, ultimately transforming your house into a breeding ground for them.

Termite Swarms

Termite wings can be discovered around closed windows, doorways, and other entry places to the house. This happens when termites rush out of their hive to reproduce and create a new colony.  Termites tear their wings off as they land since they won’t use them again. For distinguishing purposes, termite wings are all the same size, whereas ants have one bigger and one smaller set of wings.

Termite Droppings

Termites that live inside wood are known as dry wood termites. They form tunnels while digging and consuming the wood they infiltrate. They construct dumping holes to dispose of their waste to keep themselves clean. Because dry wood termites consume wood, their feces is also wood, resulting in pellet heaps. Dry wood termites may be present; it likely indicates an infestation if you see piles of pellets that look like sawdust.

Termite Control Treatment Options

There are a few treatment options available for full termite control. Based on your needs and budget, our technicians will make their recommendations after a thorough inspection of your structure.

termite fumigation riverside


During fumigation, the building is tented for 24-48 hours. Vikane gas is then pumped into the sealed structure, replacing the oxygen. Vikane penetrates hard to reach areas like walls voids, attic spaces, eaves and door frames. After treatment, our technicians will remove the tent and air out the structure. We will thoroughly inspect the structure before we allow occupants to return. Fumigation service is warrantied for 3 years after service.

termite heat treatment riverside

Heat Treatment

Heat is a relatively new treatment option for termites. Much like fumigation, heat will penetrate areas of the structure that cannot be reached by traditional pesticide applications. Heat treatments can be completed in a matter of hours and do not require occupants to be out of the house for more than an afternoon.

termite spot treatment riverside

Local Treatment

Local treatment is a great option for small scale infestations or smaller budgets. After a thorough inspection is completed, our technicians may recommend localized spot treatment based on their findings. You will not need to leave the house for this treatment and prep, if any, will be minimal.

orange oil termite treatment riverside

Orange Oil

Orange oil is a non-traditional treatment option used to rid exposed wood structures of termites. It works by injecting the product into the wood structures. Orange oil destroys termites and their eggs quickly and without using traditional pesticide methods like fumigation. Service time is quick and easy and doesn’t require you to be out of the home during treatment.
