Whole Structure Fumigation

Fumigation has long been recognized as one of the most effective and reliable methods for eradicating termites. This treatment has stood the test of time due to its comprehensive approach, ensuring that every part of the structure is thoroughly treated and free from termites. Unlike localized treatments, fumigation addresses the entire building, reaching into areas that might be otherwise inaccessible and eradicating termites in one service.

termite control riverside

Why Fumigation is Effective

Fumigation involves sealing the entire structure with a large tent, creating an airtight environment. This allows the fumigant to penetrate all areas of the building, including hidden and hard-to-reach spots such as wall voids, attics, crawl spaces, and foundation areas. The fumigant, typically Vikane gas, permeates every part of the structure, ensuring that termites are eradicated wherever they might be hiding.

The fumigant replaces the oxygen inside the sealed structure with a gas that is lethal to termites. This ensures that all termites, regardless of their stage in the life cycle, are exterminated. Fumigation is particularly effective for large or severe infestations where termites are spread throughout the building.

One of the key advantages of fumigation is its ability to deliver immediate results. Unlike some other treatments that may take time to work, fumigation kills termites quickly, providing a fast solution to your termite problem. Once the tent is removed and the building is ventilated, you can be confident that the infestation has been completely eradicated.

After the fumigation process is complete, our services come with a robust 3-year guarantee. This means that if termites return within three years of the treatment, we will address the problem at no additional cost to you. This warranty provides peace of mind, knowing that your property is protected long after the initial treatment.

How Does Fumigation Work?

Before fumigating your home or commercial property, our state licensed technicians will complete a thorough inspection and make a treatment recommendation based on their findings. If fumigation is the treatment option chosen, we will schedule it during a time where you or the occupants can be away from the property for a 48 hour period.

On the day fumigation begins, your home or commercial property will be completely sealed and tented by our technicians. After inspecting the property and ensuring the structure is properly sealed, Vikane gas fumigant is pumped into the sealed structure for a 24 hour period. Vikane works by replacing the oxygen content in the structure. It penetrates walls and other areas traditional pesticide cannot reach. Once the 24 hour period ends, technicians will begin the careful process of removing the tent and unsealing the structure to allow airflow to return. Technicians will then inspect the structure before the occupants are invited back.

termite fumigation riverside

Termite Fumigation Preparation

Fumigation is a thorough treatment that requires occupants to be out of the house for 48 hours. To help you prepare, we have provided a small checklist. It is important to remove or seal all food items that are not in factory-sealed metal, glass, or highly resistant plastic containers. Alternatively, these food items can be sealed in special fumigation bags, which we can provide. Be sure to include pet food in this step. Open all interior doors to allow the fumigant to penetrate every room, and open all drawers and cabinets to enable thorough fumigation inside storage spaces.

Remove houseplants, as they are sensitive to the fumigant, and make sure any pets are safely removed from the premises. Unplug any electrical devices that don’t need to stay on and turn off gas lines if required. For exterior preparations, trim any plants, shrubs, or trees that are close to the house to prevent them from blocking the fumigation tent.

We're happy to answer any questions you may have before the service. Our team will ensure you are comfortable with all aspects of the service. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Termite Fumigation Process

Before the fumigation begins, we will provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare your home. This typically involves removing plants, food, and pets from the premises, and ensuring that all people vacate the building. Our professional team will cover the entire structure with a specially designed tent. This airtight seal is crucial for containing the fumigant and allowing it to permeate every part of the building. Once the tent is in place, Vikane gas is pumped into the sealed structure. This gas penetrates deeply into wood, walls, and other materials where termites reside, effectively exterminating them. After the fumigation period, which typically lasts 24-48 hours, the tent is removed and the building is thoroughly ventilated. Our technicians use specialized equipment to ensure that all traces of the fumigant are dissipated and the air quality is safe for re-entry. Before allowing occupants to return, our team conducts a thorough inspection to verify that the fumigation was successful and the building is free from termites. We also check to ensure that the air inside the structure is free of residual fumigant.


Choosing fumigation with Southland Pest Control means opting for a proven, effective solution backed by years of experience and expertise. Our skilled technicians are committed to delivering the highest quality service, ensuring that your termite problem is resolved comprehensively and safely. This comprehensive warranty ensures that if you see termites or evidence of a termite infestation at any time during that three-year period, we will return at no additional cost to perform localized treatments as needed. With our 3-year guarantee, you can rest assured that your property is protected against future infestations, providing long-term security and peace of mind.

Other Termite Treatment Options

There are a few treatment options available for termite control. Based on your needs and budget, our termite inspectors will make their recommendations after a thorough inspection of your structure.

termite heat treatment riverside

Heat Treatment

Heat is a relatively new treatment option for termites. Much like fumigation, heat will penetrate areas of the structure that cannot be reached by traditional pesticide applications. Heat treatments can be completed in a matter of hours and do not require occupants to be out of the house for more than an afternoon.

termite spot treatment riverside

Local Treatment

Local treatment is a great option for small scale infestations or smaller budgets. After a thorough inspection is completed, our technicians may recommend localized spot treatment based on their findings. You will not need to leave the house for this treatment and prep, if any, will be minimal.

orange oil termite treatment riverside

Orange Oil

Orange oil is a non-traditional treatment option used to rid exposed wood structures of termites. It works by injecting the product into the wood structures. Orange oil destroys termites and their eggs quickly and without using traditional pesticide methods like fumigation. Service time is quick and easy and doesn’t require you to be out of the home during treatment.


Termite Wood Damage & Structural Defects

Natural forces like earthquakes and tornadoes can cause a wake of destruction. Fortunately, they have taught us something about the kind of home they are most likely to damage. It turns out that strong forces “pick on” homes and buildings that have structural defects. Homes that are well built and maintained are more likely to come through a major calamity in much better shape.

A structural defect can be the result of a design or construction flaw and makes your home weaker. Weakening can also be caused by anything that attacks the structural wood. This includes beetles, fungi, termites and carpenter ants. Unchecked, these pests can reduce the strength of wood by as much as 80%, leaving your home susceptible to widespread damage. The stronger the force, the more likely that force will cause severe, and perhaps irreparable, damage to the home.

The porch column that has a masonry exterior can conceal termite- damaged wood inside. The column could break during an earthquake. Had the wood been intact, the column may very well have come through unharmed. Be vigilant in keeping your home in good repair and free of wood-destroying pests. Don’t hesitate to have inaccessible areas opened so they can be inspected for hidden damage.

Termite Trouble Spots

Any structure with wood looks and smells like a big juicy steak to termites. These pests have an uncanny ability to locate wood both by smell and by random searching, even when dirt, cement, or stucco hides the wood. There are certain situations that encourage problems with termites. Here are some common termite trouble spots.

  • Cracks in concrete foundations and foundation walls allow termites hidden access to wood.
  • Soil in contact with wood allows termites easy access. This includes posts set in the ground, soil pushed up against the wood in a structure, concrete porches filled with soil that rests against wood structural members, wooden porch steps that rest on soil, etc. Do-it-yourselfers often erect wooden trellises or fences with posts directly in the ground, and then connect these to the house.
  • Unsolved moisture problems like poor grading that directs water toward a structure, dripping faucets, and leaking pipes all attract termites, which need moisture to survive. Shrubbery or vines that block the airflow through ventilation openings also cause problems.
  • Extra wood like tree stumps and large dead roots, buried form boards, wood chip mulching, and firewood stacked on the ground attracts termites. The pests get started in these, then find their way into a structure.

These are just some of the many, many situations that can lead to trouble with termites. A professional Southland Pest Control’s inspection can spot these and other, less obvious conditions that can lead to problems with various wood-damaging pests.