Squirrel Extermination Service

Squirrels are undoubtedly one of the most common animal species encountered by city dwellers. These agile creatures spend most of their time roaming about lawns, trees, shrubs, and forested places. They are well-known for their behavior of gathering acorns and other nuts and burying them in the soil for future use. Squirrels are also adept climbers, frequently seen scaling trees and dashing across electric cables, roofs, and other structures with remarkable ease.

While squirrels are generally not a nuisance and can even be enjoyable to watch, they can become problematic when they begin living in close proximity to residences and other structures. When squirrels seek shelter, they often gain access to ceilings, attics, basements, and other areas of homes. Once inside, they can cause significant damage, turning from charming neighborhood inhabitants into destructive pests. Squirrels have strong, ever-growing teeth, and to keep them at a manageable length, they must constantly gnaw on objects. This can result in damaged electrical wiring, which poses a serious fire hazard. Additionally, squirrels may chew through insulation, wooden beams, and other structural components of a house, leading to costly repairs and potential safety risks.

Squirrels are also known for creating nests in attics and other secluded spaces. These nests are often made from a combination of insulation, leaves, and other materials they find around the property. Not only does this nesting behavior further damage the insulation and structural integrity of the house, but it also creates a mess that can be difficult to clean up. Moreover, the presence of squirrel nests can attract other pests, compounding the problem.

Another significant issue with squirrel infestations is the noise. Squirrels are active during the day, and their constant scurrying, scratching, and gnawing can be incredibly disruptive to the household. This noise can be particularly bothersome if the squirrels have taken up residence in the attic or walls, directly above living spaces.

In addition to the physical damage and noise, squirrels can also pose health risks. They can carry parasites such as fleas and ticks, which can infest the home and spread to pets and humans. Their droppings and urine can contaminate surfaces and air quality, potentially leading to respiratory issues and other health problems. Given these potential hazards, it is crucial to address squirrel infestations promptly and effectively. We can provide comprehensive solutions to remove these pests and prevent future infestations. This typically involves a thorough inspection to identify entry points and nesting sites, trapping and removal of the squirrels, and sealing off access points to prevent re-entry. We will recommend repairs to any damage caused by the squirrels and provide advice on how to deter them from returning.

squirrel control riverside
squirrel control riverside

Squirrels Damage Homes

Red and grey squirrels infiltrate buildings for various reasons, including seeking shelter, storing food, and constructing nests. They gain entry by nibbling access holes beneath roofs or utilizing existing openings such as exposed chimneys. Tree branches that overlap roofs also provide easy access points for squirrels to enter your property. Once inside, these agile rodents wreak havoc on the insulation by building nests, compromising the thermal efficiency and structural integrity of the home.

One of the significant dangers posed by squirrels inside buildings is their tendency to gnaw on cables. This behavior is particularly concerning because it can lead to exposed wires and pose a severe fire risk. Additionally, squirrels are often observed entering and departing buildings, and they are frequently heard scurrying through the walls, ceilings, and attics, creating disruptive noise throughout the day. The presence of squirrels also brings health risks due to their droppings, which can harbor fleas and other germs such as Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, and tick-borne infections. These pathogens can lead to various health problems for humans, including fever, headaches, vomiting, jaundice, rash, ulcers, nerve stiffness, and skin conditions.

Squirrels enter buildings primarily for shelter from predators and harsh weather conditions, food storage, and nest construction. Buildings offer a safe environment for nesting and rearing young. Squirrels exploit small gaps and openings in roofs, fascia boards, soffits, chimneys, vents, and even tree branches that touch the roof to gain entry. These natural and structural vulnerabilities provide an ideal pathway for squirrels to access homes, where they can then create nests and store food.


What To Expect From Our Squirrel Control Service

When you call us for an inspection of your property for a squirrel infestation, expect our experienced crew to arrive promptly at your location, ready to conduct a comprehensive assessment. Our technicians will meticulously inspect different corners of your home, including attics, basements, ceilings, and walls, for any signs of squirrel activity. This thorough inspection is designed to identify the extent of the infestation, locate entry points, and determine the specific areas where squirrels may be nesting or causing damage.

After completing the inspection, our squirrel removal experts will develop a strategic plan to address the infestation. This plan includes identifying and understanding how squirrels are sneaking into your house. Our traps are placed strategically to maximize the chances of capturing the squirrels quickly and efficiently, ensuring that the process is as stress-free as possible for both the animals and the homeowners.

Once the squirrels are captured and removed, we will guide you regarding the various ways that squirrels may enter your home. This includes pointing out common entry points such as gaps in the roofline, openings around chimneys, and overlapping tree branches that provide easy access to your property. Our experts will provide detailed advice on how to seal these entry points effectively, using materials and methods that will prevent squirrels from re-entering your home.

We'll help devise a comprehensive plan to prevent future squirrel invasions. This plan may include regular inspections to ensure that your home remains secure, trimming tree branches that are close to the roof, and maintaining a clutter-free environment that is less attractive to squirrels. By following our recommendations and implementing these preventive measures, you can protect your home from future squirrel infestations.

squirrel exclusion riverside

How To Prevent Squirrel Infestations

Effective habitat alteration is the most effective strategy to keep squirrels from taking shelter in and around your property. This approach focuses on modifying the environment to make it less attractive and accessible to squirrels, thereby preventing them from invading your home. One of the essential strategies in habitat alteration is trimming or cutting tree limbs that are within a few meters of your property. Squirrels are excellent climbers and can easily use overhanging branches to hop onto your rooftop, gaining access to your attic or other parts of your home. By keeping tree branches well-trimmed and at a safe distance from your house, you significantly reduce the pathways squirrels can use to enter your property.

We also advise keeping bird feeders away from the property. Bird feeders can be a significant attractant for squirrels, as they provide an easy and reliable food source. Squirrels are opportunistic feeders and will quickly take advantage of any accessible food. Placing bird feeders at a considerable distance from your home and using squirrel-proof designs can help minimize the attraction and reduce the likelihood of squirrels wandering near your house in search of food.

Another important aspect of habitat alteration is avoiding the planting of new oak or walnut trees near your home. These trees produce acorns and nuts, which are prime food sources for squirrels. By refraining from planting these types of trees close to your house, you can help ensure that squirrels do not have a reason to frequent your property. If you already have oak or walnut trees, consider methods to manage and collect fallen nuts promptly to prevent squirrels from being drawn to the area.

Ensuring that your property is well-maintained and free of clutter can also discourage squirrels from taking up residence. This includes keeping your yard clean, removing piles of leaves, wood, and other debris that could serve as potential nesting sites. Regularly inspecting and repairing any potential entry points, such as gaps in the roofline, openings around chimneys, and vents, will also help secure your home against squirrel invasions.

Why Choose Southland For Squirrel Extermination

Southland Pest Control provides a comprehensive suite of squirrel control services designed to free property owners from the nuisance and potential hazards of squirrel infestations. Our approach combines advanced techniques with a commitment to environmentally conscious practices, ensuring effective and sustainable solutions to your squirrel problems. At the heart of our services is our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, which focuses on long-term prevention and control through a combination of techniques. Our process begins with a thorough inspection and assessment of your property to identify the extent of the infestation and locate entry points. We then trap and remove the squirrels, followed by meticulous exclusion techniques to seal entry points and prevent future infestations.

Effective habitat alteration is another critical aspect of our squirrel control services. We advise property owners on ways to modify their environment to make it less attractive to squirrels, such as trimming or cutting tree limbs near the house, removing bird feeders or using squirrel-proof designs, and avoiding planting oak or walnut trees close to the property. By reducing the availability of food and shelter, we deter squirrels from returning. Additionally, we provide recommendations for structural repairs if needed to enhance the security of your home.

To ensure long-term success, we offer ongoing monitoring and maintenance services. Regular inspections help us detect early signs of squirrel activity and take proactive measures to prevent reinfestation. Depending on your needs and budget, we provide flexible service plans, including monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly visits. Our goal is to provide continuous protection for your property and peace of mind for you. We also believe that informed property owners are key to successful pest management, so our technicians educate clients on squirrel behaviors and prevention steps. Trust us to deliver exceptional service and lasting results, freeing you from the nuisance of squirrel infestations.