Spider Pest Control Service

Southern California is home to a variety of spiders. Some species are harmless to humans but can still be a nuisance in the garden. However, others pose significant risks to your pets and family. Black widow spiders, for example, have very painful bites that can cause temporary paralysis and are especially dangerous for small children and pets. If a child under the age of 2 is bitten by a black widow, they will need emergency care due to the severity of the symptoms. It is crucial to keep venomous spiders away from your family and pets to ensure their well-being.

At Southland Pest Control, we train our technicians to thoroughly inspect customer properties for the presence of spiders and exterminate them in an environmentally responsible manner. When our pest control professionals arrive at your home, they will assess the entire property and provide you with a customized strategy tailored to your specific needs. Upon request, we can also treat the interior of your home. We recommend implementing a full-service spider management routine to keep your home protected from potential spider bites and other hazards. By choosing Southland Pest Control, you can trust that our experienced technicians will protect your home and family effectively and responsibly.

black widow spider control riverside

Licensed Technicians

Technicians at Southland Pest Control are highly trained and state-licensed, ensuring they have the expertise to handle any spider infestation effectively. Continuous education and training keep them updated on the latest pest control methods.

Follow-Up Treatment

After the initial spider treatment, we offer follow-up services to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment and address any recurring issues. Regular check-ups ensure a long-term solution to pest problems.

Emergency Service

For severe infestations requiring immediate attention, we provide emergency services. Quick intervention can prevent the infestation from spreading and causing more significant issues.

Spiders Found in Riverside

black widow spider control riverside

Black Widow Spider

Black widow spiders are easily identified by their shiny black bodies and the distinctive red hourglass shape on their abdomens. These spiders typically build abstract, irregular webs close to the ground, often under patio furniture, play sets, or other structures that provide shelter. Black widows are generally not aggressive, but they will defend themselves if their web is disturbed. This defensive behavior is why it is important never to dismantle a web on your own. The bite of a black widow spider is extremely painful and can sometimes be fatal to pets and small children due to the potent neurotoxins they inject. Symptoms of a bite can include severe muscle pain, abdominal cramps, and muscle spasms. If you or a family member have been bitten by a black widow, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately to mitigate the potentially serious effects. Quick and appropriate medical intervention is essential for preventing complications from the bite.

garden spider control riverside

Garden Spider

Garden spiders are known for building elaborate and intricate webs designed to trap flies and other pests such as aphids, playing a beneficial role in natural pest control. These spiders are often colorful and large, making them quite noticeable in gardens. Commonly found in a variety of vibrant hues, garden spiders can add an element of visual interest to outdoor spaces. Despite their imposing size and striking appearance, garden spiders are not a threat to humans. Unlike the more dangerous recluse or widow spiders, garden spiders are harmless and do not pose any significant health risks. However, their presence can still be a nuisance in the garden, particularly when webs are constructed in inconvenient locations. While they contribute to reducing the population of harmful insects, their large webs can be obtrusive and may require occasional removal to maintain a tidy garden environment.

wolf spider control riverside

Wolf Spider

Wolf spiders are commonly found throughout Southern California, particularly in desert and coastal areas. These spiders are known for their excellent eyesight, which sets them apart from many other spider species. Unlike web-building spiders, wolf spiders have evolved to be solitary hunters, relying on their keen vision and agility to chase down prey. They do not build webs to catch their food; instead, they actively hunt insects and other small creatures.

Typically, wolf spiders are found outdoors, often taking shelter in wood piles, shrubs, and compost heaps where they can easily find prey and create burrows. Although their appearance might be intimidating due to their large size and hairy bodies, wolf spider bites are not fatal to humans. However, their bites can cause minor skin irritation, which might include redness, swelling, and itching at the site of the bite. It's always advisable to exercise caution and avoid handling them directly to prevent any potential discomfort from a bite.


garden spider control riverside

Spider Treatment

When treating spider infestations, Southland Pest Control begins by sending a professional, state-licensed, and certified technician to inspect your property. This thorough inspection helps determine the type of spider infestation you are experiencing. Once the source of the infestation is identified, we will customize a treatment plan based on your specific needs and budget. After the initial treatment, we recommend starting a regular treatment plan to keep spiders out of your home all year long.

Depending on your property, the severity of the infestation, and your budget, we offer ongoing spider control services on a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly basis. If you are concerned about the use of traditional pesticides, we also provide organic spider pest control services on a monthly basis, ideal for those who are chemically sensitive. If you see any spiders between your regularly scheduled treatments, we will return to re-treat the area at no extra charge.

Southland Pest Control offers full-service spider control with our bi-monthly recurring service to help property owners eliminate all types of spider species along with many other general pests. Our spider extermination services are 100% guaranteed to eliminate spiders and ensure your total satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with the results, we will return to your property and continue treatments until your desired outcomes are achieved. With Southland Pest Control, you can trust that your home will remain spider-free, providing peace of mind for you and your family.


To effectively manage spider infestations, we treat all baseboards, cracks, and crevices with odorless, non-staining products. Interior services are typically only required during the initial treatment and occasionally upon request, ensuring that your home remains protected with minimal disruption.


A non-repellent pesticide will be applied around the perimeter of the home to create an effective barrier against spiders. Additionally, we will perform de-webbing of all windows, eaves, structural edges, and other pest harborages to remove existing spider webs and discourage future infestations. Pesticide granules will also be applied around all drip systems, plants, flowers, shrubs, grass areas, pools, and fence lines to ensure comprehensive protection for your property.

Things You Can Do To Prevent Spiders

Preventing spiders in your home starts with maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment. Regularly vacuuming and dusting can remove spider webs, egg sacs, and potential hiding spots. Seal cracks and gaps in doors, windows, and foundations to prevent spiders from entering your home. Keep outdoor lights off or use yellow bulbs to reduce the attraction of insects, which are a food source for spiders.

DIY vs. Professional Spider Control

Hiring a professional pest control service like Southland Pest Control offers significant advantages over DIY methods. Our trained technicians conduct thorough inspections to identify the types of spiders and the extent of the infestation. We then implement customized treatment plans that are more effective and longer-lasting than over-the-counter solutions. We also provide regular maintenance to ensure your home remains spider-free. Our comprehensive approach ensures that spider infestations are not only controlled but also prevented from recurring. Enjoy peace of mind knowing our expert knowledge, and precise application sheilds your home from spiders and other pests.